
I’ve been a Freemason for over 10 years. Early on I developed a passion for philosophy, psychology, Freemasonry and Rosicrucianism.

I believe that to understand life, there is no better way to begin than by exploring the realms of philosophy, psychology, and spirituality. This is a journey that I have been passionate about since my youth, and one that has grown meaningful with time.

Philosophizing doesn’t mean having all the answers to complex questions, but rather seeking to understand without pre-conceived notions or limits. It is a process of self-discovery that involves listening, comparing, and trying out different ideas and perspectives.

Philosophy touches on so many areas of life – from spirituality to science, and from psychology to religion. Today, though, so much of our public discussion is devoted to money-making and consumption. We filled our daily lives with empty messages that lead us astray from the important questions.

In a world filled with distractions, it’s difficult to find your own voice and open up to new possibilities. Therefore, I invite you to explore my writings and find the power within yourself to ask questions, be curious, and overcome your anxieties. Carl Jung once said that “the sole purpose of human existence is to kindle a light in the darkness of mere being”.

Join me on a path of self-discovery in search of truth and wisdom – it’s time to kindle that light within.