Understanding Initiation in Freemasonry: A Transformative Journey

Understanding Initiation in Freemasonry: A Transformative Journey

In today’s exploration, I want to share my understanding, so far, about initiation, particularly in the context that intrigues me most: Freemasonry. You might assert that an initiation is an initiation, regardless of the spiritual school. That’s where I differ. Some of my Brethren for the past couple of months have been hearing, randomly, me asking one question: Please name one spiritual school that has initiated millions of people. I never got an answer till one Brother from another Mother said: “billions not just millions. Christianity and Islam are one example. Here’s a book. Forget everything you know and read it.”

What is Initiation in Freemasonry?

I believe that it’s not just a ceremonial act, but a journey: a transformative journey of self-discovery and “enlightenment” in the realm of Freemasonry. That’s nice to hear. I can package it in 12 other different ways, but to illustrate it, I want you to envision yourself gazing at a vast ocean, and an even vaster sky above it. The horizon, a thin line between the water and the sky. It’s in this place we embark on the journey of Freemason initiation. The ocean and skies symbolize the vast expanse of knowledge and experience that awaits us from both sides of the spectrum.

The Role of Symbols in Masonic Initiation

Freemasonry, a distinguished institution of spiritual initiation, employs symbols as a primary means of instruction. These symbols are enigmatic, inviting each initiate to meditate on their meanings. They serve as guides, answering spiritual and material questions. However, interpreting these answers is as unique as the individual. Each Brother’s understanding depends on their mentality, their experiences, and their journey.

The essence of Masonic initiation is not focused on revealing the secrets of occult sciences. Nor is it about studying or practicing them: it is about transformation. Our initiation is a journey from being the ‘rough ashlar’ to becoming a ‘new man.’ This ‘new man’ is not only capable of understanding the true value of these sciences but is also devoted to the pursuit of perfection, as challenging as it might be to attain it.

The Art of Living: An Essential Part of Freemasonry Initiation

Oswald Wirth referred to this pursuit as the ‘Art of Living.’ This art encompasses the development of spirituality, the cultivation of morals, and the adoption of a disciplined lifestyle that shapes our personality – essentially, taming our ego. As we take our first steps towards the Light, we commit to obligations of morality, discretion, discipline, silence, and solidarity. These commitments form the bedrock of our Masonic initiation.

The Transformation through Masonic Initiation

The journey to Light is not a straight path. It’s a winding road filled with twists and turns. René Guénon likened the initiation ceremony to the starting point of this journey. But the journey itself is what he called the ‘real initiation.’ It requires continuous efforts from the Master Mason, the patience to overcome obstacles, and the humility to learn from every step taken.

We begin like rough ashlars, gradually being smoothed and shaped to fit into the grand edifice of universal Beauty. This journey towards perfection is underpinned by Wisdom, Strength, and Beauty. Wisdom helps us conceive and give form to our universe of ideas. Strength serves as the active, creative element. Beauty represents the selfless love that should reign over the world. An alternative way of seeing them?

As we continue on this journey of Freemasonry initiation, we learnto love without selfishness. A true initiate learns to love and not to be loved. Remember, Freemason initiation is not about the destination. It’s the journey itself. It’s an ever-evolving process of becoming, transcending, and seeking the Divine within and beyond us.

If we engage in the work, the path to Masonic initiation unfolds before us. It beckons us to step forward, to embrace the challenges, to seek the truth, and to embody Love.

As we venture into the depths of Freemasonry initiation, we become students of life. Every experience, every interaction, and every moment becomes a lesson. Trust me on this. This journey instructs us to transcend our self-centeredness and the material world, and to recognize the fundamental spiritual principles that govern the universe. It guides us to realize our potential and encourages us to strive for a higher purpose.

It’s a journey that requires courage. We must face our fears, confront our weaknesses, and challenge our limitations. It’s a journey of self-discovery in Freemasonry, where we learn about our true selves, not the personas we present to the world, but our authentic selves that live within us.

I cannot stress this enough. It’s a journey of Love in the world of Freemasonry. A true Freemason learns to love selflessly, to give without expecting, and to serve without seeking reward. This journey nurtures our ability to love, opening our hearts to the beauty of the world and the divine within us.

The horizon beckons us, promising a journey filled with transformation. But what lies beyond the horizon? That, dear Brethren, is a post for another day in our exploration of Freemasonry initiation.

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